
Enjoy our variety of God-honoring music! Here is a list of some of our groups and artists:

College Groups

West Coast Baptist College
Golden State Baptist College
Heartland Bible Baptist College
Crown College
Pensacola Christian College
Hyles Anderson College
Fairhaven Baptist College


Abigail Miller
Alvin Martinez
David Snider
Gayle Russ
Susan McGill
Tim Knutson
Amanda Montepeque
Shannon Knox
Jessica Curtis

Trios, Quartets and Groups

The Tharp Brothers
The Sounds of Victory
The Hooker Family
Ed Russ and the Old Fashioned Quartet
The Hutson Sisters
The Hamilton Family
Friends Singing the Gospel
The Steadfast Quartet
The Voorhees Family


Ron Hamilton
Rejoice Singers
Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher
The Wilds
The Herbster Trio
Lois and India
Steve Petit Evangelistic Team
Lancaster Baptist Church


David Chamberlain
Karm Richie
Majesty Brass
Tonya McCormick
Hamilton and Hamilton
Amy Herbster
Mike Zachary
Victorious Strings
The Van Gelderen Family